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     Since 2001, SVBT has provided a community for veterinary technicians with a special interest in behavior. During that time, we have accomplished a lot together. SVBT members helped create the Academy of Veterinary Behavior Technicians and paved a path for behavior as a specialization option for technicians. The SVBT was also instrumental in the development of the Clinical Animal Behavior Conference and has continued to play a pivotal role in conference planning.

     The SVBT board has recently come to the difficult decision that due to lack of membership and interest in the society, dissolution of the organization should occur. While we have been working on a plan of what that would look like, an option came to light that would be beneficial to our members.

     We have begun discussions with AVSAB (the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior) and they are working on creating a membership tier for veterinary technicians. The tentative plan is that our professional members to be granted membership into AVSAB. A pathway for student membership would be planned during the coming months as well.

     We are still in the planning stages of the dissolution as well as the joining with AVSAB and are still working out many of the details. We will discuss those plans and details with our members during the general meeting planned for June 25th. Please join us for that conversation so that we can perform this transition as smoothly as possible. The link for that meeting is pinned in the Facebook forum and has been emailed to members.

We will be posting updates to our BLOG as they occur.  Please check back to further information. 

“Until one has loved an animal, a part
of one’s soul remains unawakened.”

– Anatole France

The Society of Veterinary Behavior Technicians
is a 501 (c) (3) non profit corporation
Mailing Address:
3055 NW Yeon Ave, PMB #8,
Portland, OR 97210
 : 971-319-3214